It is safe to say this summer was by far my favorite summer of all time. I am so passionate about the direction my life is going and I can't begin to tell you how much happiness that fills me with. All it took was taking 10 credits worth of classes, being apart of a research lab and volunteering, to make my summer completely phenomenal.
Many people have met me, many people know of me but only those close to me actually know me. I can count the people who know me inside and out on one hand. But more importantly, many have seen me develop into who I am today. Looking back to last summer I am a completely different person, I don't even recognize who I was because I always felt like I was surviving, not living. I went through the day to day motions with no feeling of purpose and a lot of frustration. That was until,
I felt a spark, I couldn't help myself and I lit the match. I decided to chase what seemed an unrealistic goal, and ever since then I feel as though not only have my grades improved, my health improved and most important.. my mental health improved. I had a bad habit of being self centered, this last year put many things into perspective and I am proud to say I love who I evolved to be.
I feel like I can make a difference and have made a difference over the span of the months. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I felt what it was like to be the dumbest person in the room. Sometimes you can't control that but you can feel better about it. I learned the secret to avoid feeling like an idiot ... work, study, work and keep working until you physically can't. Ask questions but also be attentive so you dont miss something being said the first time around. There is a difference between being the most eager to learn person in the room... and the dumbest. Always aim for eager.
Last thought before I start studying for my department final...
I was listening to a podcast on the way to campus today and it was discussing our direct impact on the future. I realized how many eyes are on any person at one time and they may not even know it. I thought about this walking to class and discovered what that meant. At least, what that meant to me.
I have 4 younger siblings. I believe if you ask my sister what I am up to that day her response would be word for word what class I am studying that day. It put into perspective for me that even if I don't realize it, someone (especially little people) are always analyzing you. DO everything with the realization that others are watching every step you take. If you make this your reality, I bet you will rarely skip a step.
I created a youtube video with a synopsis of my pre-med journey so far. Its very choppy, and not the best quality. But I hope to post here and there because I enjoy watching videos that have similar content. If you can find it, you may watch it. ;)
Have a wonderful August.
-Hailey Petetti