I've never wanted something so much that I was willing to not only change my lifestyle, but endure being the person who pulls all-nighters to get a B on an exam. I've never liked feeling like I wasn't the person who had an extra step up on others. I never wanted to be the person who had to work their butt off to hopefully come in slightly above the average.
Until I sparked the fire in me.
My first semester of pre-med was one of the most mentally and physically exhausting things I have ever put myself through. I was not ready for the long hours of study. I wasn't ready for the conceptual test taking skills that I needed in order to pass an exam. I went into my first semester of pre-med with a full load and high hope... two weeks into that semester my mind was screaming RETREAAAAT. But I felt like if I gave up on this shot I had, I would always resent that moment in my life where I didn't push myself hard enough to see if I could get somewhere.
So I buckled up, had a few melt downs, and went for it guns blazing. I learned study tips that work wonders for me:
flash carding
copying down all of my notes before the class
recording lectures(with the professors consent)
dedicating my time every day to learning the materials
One of the worst feelings I have ever experienced was knowing I was behind the curve. I worked as hard as I could to keep up. By the end of the semester I did it. I know the road to medical school requires much more complicating classes but I have dedicated this year to finding the proper techniques to keeping up in my classes... And keeping my mental sanity.
Even if my goals end up pushing me in a different direction at least I will be able to tell myself, I did it. I gave that my all. I left everything on the field. My best wasn't geared for that. This is where I am meant to be.
Update on my midterm: I got an A out of 175 students, only 22 students in the class got A's.
What I am working on now is learning to expect the A and not be surprised when I get one. I need to build up the confidence in my academic abilities and believe in myself.
On the health side of things, I'm feeling really great.. but I have been bloating. I used to bloat so easily, it used to actually be painful. Lately I've been experiencing slight bloating which I know is normal here and there but it has been making me feel insecure. Which is totally normal for a woman. In order to combat this I am increasing my water intake slightly and trying to get my digestive tract moving efficiently. Bloating sucks. And I can't imagine I'm the only who feels self conscious about it but hopefully it will subside soon.
My workouts are consisting of mostly plyometrics and abs recently. Plyometrics have been the most enjoyable type of workout for me and I love the high intensity of it. I was so nervous for so long about looking clean in a gym and specifically going in there doing some reps and getting out. But lately I've been taking my time, experimenting with different movements and getting the best results. A key break through in my success so far is definitely accredited towards the fact that I am taking time on myself and finding what works best for me. If I want to go in the gym and do hand-stands for a half hour, you better believe that's what you'll see me doing!(I've also dedicated time to stretching and foam rolling.)
I've recently invested in a powdered form of Moringa Olifera, so far I'm obsessed with it. This plant is a good source of the 9 essential amino, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. I am going to reduce my intake to half a teaspoon every morning mixed in with my post workout protein shake.
An extra drink recommendation: Green tea has been my go to morning and afternoon pick me up.
There are two links below with very good, credible sources on the benefits of green tea and Moringa Olifera in case anyone would like to do their research on the exact effects.
I shall conclude this blog by saying...DRINK YOUR RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF H2O, YOU WONT REGRET IT. :)
Green Tea- http://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/benefit_of_drinking_green_tea
Moringa Olifera- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17089328/
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