Friday, March 3, 2017

The Bell

I get in these moods where I take my headphones and walk for miles and miles sorting things through in my head. Last night I went for one of these walks and filled my head with stories to keep myself motivated. Motivation is such a crucial thing in every aspect of what you try to accomplish. But its one of the hardest things to maintain.

One of the stories I listened to last night was about a school, this school had a huge brass bell in the middle of the courtyard. All of the instructors told the students that if they ring the brass bell they no longer have to wake up at 5am, no longer have to participate in workouts, no more exams, they no longer have to work hard. That sounds so delightful, but once you ring the bell the fight is over. Your capacity for becoming great is gone. You become average.

At low points in life is when I see myself wanting to ring the bell. Its right in from of my face, I can binge on whatever food I want, I can become something else in life without the stress of hard classes and frustration. I can wake up at 11am instead of 5am and watch movies all day. But then I remember, the life after you give up is no life at all. What purpose do I have? Who will remember my name? Who will laugh at my forfeit? Who will I be?

So whether in school, in work, in health... do not ring that bell. Do not surrender. At your lowest points is when giving up sounds euphoric. But at your lowest point is where the best things can be achieved. This is where you become who you are, not what people saw you as, but who you truly are.

People love to tell you, "you can't do this", "you're crazy", "thats impossible"... Impossible? Look right into their eyes and open them.
 Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

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