Thursday, August 10, 2017

The best summer ever... Pre-med edition

It is safe to say this summer was by far my favorite summer of all time. I am so passionate about the direction my life is going and I can't begin to tell you how much happiness that fills me with. All it took was taking 10 credits worth of classes, being apart of a research lab and volunteering, to make my summer completely phenomenal.

 Many people have met me, many people know of me but only those close to me actually know me. I can count the people who know me inside and out on one hand. But more importantly, many have seen me develop into who I am today. Looking back to last summer I am a completely different person, I don't even recognize who I was because I always felt like I was surviving, not living. I went through the day to day motions with no feeling of purpose and a lot of frustration. That was until,

 I  felt a spark, I couldn't help myself and I lit the match. I decided to chase what seemed an unrealistic goal, and ever since then I feel as though not only have my grades improved, my health improved and most important.. my mental health improved. I had a bad habit of being self centered, this last year put many things into perspective and I am proud to say I love who I evolved to be.

I feel like I can make a difference and have made a difference over the span of the months. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I felt what it was like to  be the dumbest person in the room. Sometimes you can't control that but you can feel better about it.  I learned the secret to avoid feeling like an idiot ... work, study, work and keep working until you physically can't. Ask questions but also be attentive so you dont miss something being said the first time around. There is a difference between being the most eager to learn person in the room... and the dumbest. Always aim for eager.

Last thought before I start studying for my department final...

I was listening to a podcast on the way to campus today and it was discussing our direct impact on the future. I realized how many eyes are on any person at one time and they may not even know it. I thought about this walking to class and discovered what that meant. At least, what that meant to me.

  I have 4 younger siblings. I believe if you ask my sister what I am up to that day her response would be word for word what class I am studying that day. It put into perspective for  me that even if I don't realize it, someone (especially little people) are always analyzing you. DO everything with the realization that others are watching every step you take. If you make this your reality, I bet you will rarely skip a step.

I created a youtube video with a synopsis of my pre-med journey so far. Its very choppy, and not the best quality. But I hope to post here and there because I enjoy watching videos that have similar content. If you can find it, you may watch it. ;)

Have a wonderful August.

-Hailey Petetti

Friday, May 19, 2017

Family, Fitness and Life

"Remember the vision. Even when others don't see it"- Alex Elle

I have been insanely busy the past few months, it felt like a whirlwind. And buckle up because there is so much to catch up on.

I visited my hometown Hammonton, New Jersey about a month ago. I tend to take for granted living in Vegas as time goes on but visiting home always reminds me I am where I'm supposed to be. Home comes with frustration, unsaid words, unfinished business but more importantly home comes with my amazing family. Without them I truly don't believe I would be where I am today.

My family is the best group of people on this planet. They are kind, motivational, loving and they are my best friends. I am so lucky to have these people in my life and I feel spoiled because they are all mine. They always seem to pick up my pieces, stand me up nice and tall and send me off to continue tackling life. Even sitting here typing about them I am filled with such pride and an over whelming feeling of love because I know I have the best people around on my side.

My mom-mom makes me feel like the most beautiful important girl around. She pampers me and helps me wrap my head around sticky situations that I have been through, am going through, and will face. There are not enough words or enough space to express how much of an inspiration she is to me and how much I value her opinions and care.

My aunts, where do I begin.. they are goofy, loving, crazy, fun and all of them are amazing mothers to not only their children but to me as well. The highlight of my year is hanging out with my crazy bunch.

My cousins, make me feel whole. There are no better people to pour your life experiences into then the people who grew up with you and are practically siblings. We are all growing up into the best versions of ourselves and are all on the road to becoming successful together.

I was blessed with the best and I am so dang grateful for all of my family. The DeSilvio's and the Boyer's make home one of the best places to be.

Home also shed a light on how much I have grown as a person. I have worked awfully hard to be who I am today. I have had some rough patches in my personal development but this time around going home made me realize that I love who I am bound to be. I realized I deserve more and better than what I was allowing myself to have and I learned that without my family, I am nothing.  If any of my family is reading this, you are all my heart and soul thank you so much for helping me be who I am and for loving me through the ugly parts and the beautiful ones.


As many are aware I decided I wanted to go to medical school last summer during a trip in Utah. Being pre-med is mentally exhausting and pretty brutal at times especially when you're the underdog.  I wasn't as stressed this semester as I was last semester but I had a moment in time where I broke and said 'forget this there has to be something else I can do', after about 10 minutes I laughed at that statement and kept studying for bio because I was aware there is nothing else I would rather be working for than to be a doctor. But fast forward to the weekend after that breakdown: I took a trip to Palm Springs and was out to dinner. At dinner sitting across from me was a man and his wife(we were at Hibachi) . The man was a surgeon and his wife worked in a plastic surgery wing in a hospital. During dinner we talked about his experience with medical school and pretty much his entire life. I soaked every word in. I told him I had a doubt earlier in the week and what he said back resonated with me and will stay with me for the rest of my life. Things like this make me realize I am where I need to be and I will be a doctor no matter how long or how hard I have to work to get there. And once I'm there, I will keep working as hard as I can to always be the best I can be and always provide as much as I can. This moment was one of those crazy life moments that are so coincidental its almost fate. At the end of dinner I thanked the couple and the man pointed to the sky and said,"He has plans for everyone and its obvious where you're meant to be, I am glad to be apart of that"


After I came back to Vegas from my trip to New Jersey I was ready for the rest of my hectic semester. I completed my semester with 5 A's and a B... it is so funny, in high school that would have made me jump for joy but seeing that B made me disappointed. I know that's a great semester to have and probably the best grades I've gotten thus far (especially since they were all pre-med classes) but I want more and I know that's something I will gain in time. SO for now, this is my 'cheers' to a good semester.

  I was approached with an opportunity to help conduct research with the end goal of making a robotic prosthetic more efficient for amputee patients. I was elated. I am so grateful to be apart of this study and so overwhelmed with how great the people that I am working with are. Another cool opportunity I was presented with was to be an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, this consists of helping in a lab that I just completed and did very well in. It is to help other students who are new to the class, need help studying or have questions during the lab. I love the idea of this position but unfortunately I am unable to accept the offer. My fall semester is jammed with hard classes and as much as I love love love helping teach and loved that lab; I need to focus on my own grades for the time being.

Currently I am in my first term for summer courses. My course is a biomechanics/anatomy class and it is full of important information I need to grasp well. It is a three week class with quizzes Monday-Thursday and then a test on the information every Friday. It is three weeks of intense work. I was nervous for this class because I have never taken a summer course before(especially not one full of a semesters worth of knowledge in 3 weeks) but today we had our first exam and I got an A and 10 points above the class average. I must say I am pretty proud. After this class I will be going straight into a 5 week Biology A& P class and immediately following that I will be taking a 5 week pre-calc class. (Wish me luck)


When I left for New Jersey I was the most toned and lean I have ever been. And then I came back 6 pounds heavier from my body holding onto fluid and because I may have overindulged just a little(alright maybe a lot). Coming back to Vegas I felt like a balloon and I was so discouraged. But instead of going crazy and restricting my diet I eased back into my healthy eating habits and now I can honestly say I feel  even more lean then from before I left for New Jersey. I never appreciated the healthy atmosphere I am in until I sat back and looked around. I used to be so self conscious about every little thing and it is such a FREEING feeling to be able to look at myself with pride because I sculpted my body into exactly what I wanted it to be. The best part is I enjoy the process as well, I don't restrict myself at all and I love the foods I eat. I still have those binges like everyone does (this week it was fruit and nut mix) but I work hard enough and eat 'clean' enough that my body feels so energized. I get up at 5 AM and seize the day every single day. What I have been feeling lately I wish I could sprinkle onto everyone.

Thanks for reading if I still have your attention after that novel. Before I go, I recently joined a clothing subscription company called yoga club and I am IN LOVE. They have different packages and levels but basically you get an outfit that costs around 150-180 dollars for around 45 -70 depending on the package you pick. AND I have a % off ling so for your first box you'll get 25% off your first box, you can cancel at any time and theres a points system to get money off your packages as they come. The clothing in these boxes is top of the line workout gear that you will definitely recognize the name of. My % off link is below. (not sponsored just trying to help out my fellow yoga clothing lovers)

Have an amazing day!!!!

25% off first yoga club box:

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Beginning

March 8th, 2017

This morning I woke up with the most pleasant mindset for absolutely no reason at all. I'm having a stressful week full of tests and I am mentally exhausted but something in me is telling me to keep my head up and keep pushing.

March 16th, 2017

 Later on in the day I was reached out to by a graduate student that is conducting an AMAZING research project and he invited me on to work with him. This opportunity surfaced because one of his colleagues said they watched me work so hard for every single thing I set my mind to and they felt like I would be a great fit for the lab.

 I am so blessed to be given this opportunity. As much hard work that I have put in this past year I didn't ever think to realize where it could get me. I am seeing the benefits that hard work gets you recognized and I am filled with such happiness.

I created this path for myself and I created my own network, seeing the progress I have made fills me with such pride. As I have said before I gave up my previous social life and entire lifestyle to put more energy into bettering myself and for anyone that's such a hard step to take. I've literally fought my way through these past few years with my head down running straight toward the most challenging obstacles I have faced. To finally take a peak and see how far I have come fills me with a fire to keep going. A lot of people I associate with don't fully understand what I'm doing, why I don't go out , why I'm always studying. But at the end of the day this is what I love doing. De-stressing for me is writing down my thoughts right on this blog. I can't thank the people who have supported me every step of the way... there are no words to express how grateful I am for my support system.

When I chose to make this plunge a lot of people backed off from being apart of my life. And I want to take this time, if they're reading this, to thank them. All that's left to do for those people  is sit back and watch me continue to prosper and destroy my goals. I wish them nothing but the best.

More is left to come, I'm only just beginning.


For my health tribe:

A week and a half ago was incredibly bloated and felt like a bottomless pit that would consume anything in my path. How did I combat this? Well, for the bloating I drank a lot of....say it with me now... WATER! :) But also I  found that if I drank peppermint tea in the morning that I didn't bloat as bad throughout the day. In order to combat my insane cravings for anything sweet and fatty, I gave into them ! I find that if I put off my craving when I am in a special mood, I will only relapse even harder into a fatty food abyss ten times more than I do if I just give into my craving. We can't be perfect and sometimes our body needs what it wants!

The key in this is, if I am craving something(and I have enough self control) I will try to sleep on it, if the next day I am still craving bad things I will give in. This isn't a bad thing. If this happens to you just keep your eye on the prize. You faltered a little and now it is time to get back on track.

The only thing stopping you from your goals is the face in the mirror.

Here are two healthy recipes that I love for a sweet tooth!

Banana Oat muffins

3 ripe bananas
4 tablespoons of plain greek yogurt
2  1/2 cups of old fashioned oats
1 tsp of baking powder

Throw it all in a blender, blend it all up and stick it in the oven!

Butternut Squash "chips"

1 Butternut squash
coconut oil

Cut up the quash very very thin (like a chip)
Put coconut oil in a pan and sauté the butternut squash, add cinnamon in while you're sautéing
Its a trial and error with trying not to burn them. (My step mom and I wiped out an entire plate of these in one night.)

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Bell

I get in these moods where I take my headphones and walk for miles and miles sorting things through in my head. Last night I went for one of these walks and filled my head with stories to keep myself motivated. Motivation is such a crucial thing in every aspect of what you try to accomplish. But its one of the hardest things to maintain.

One of the stories I listened to last night was about a school, this school had a huge brass bell in the middle of the courtyard. All of the instructors told the students that if they ring the brass bell they no longer have to wake up at 5am, no longer have to participate in workouts, no more exams, they no longer have to work hard. That sounds so delightful, but once you ring the bell the fight is over. Your capacity for becoming great is gone. You become average.

At low points in life is when I see myself wanting to ring the bell. Its right in from of my face, I can binge on whatever food I want, I can become something else in life without the stress of hard classes and frustration. I can wake up at 11am instead of 5am and watch movies all day. But then I remember, the life after you give up is no life at all. What purpose do I have? Who will remember my name? Who will laugh at my forfeit? Who will I be?

So whether in school, in work, in health... do not ring that bell. Do not surrender. At your lowest points is when giving up sounds euphoric. But at your lowest point is where the best things can be achieved. This is where you become who you are, not what people saw you as, but who you truly are.

People love to tell you, "you can't do this", "you're crazy", "thats impossible"... Impossible? Look right into their eyes and open them.
 Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Moringa who?

I've never wanted something so much that I was willing to not only change my lifestyle, but endure being the person who pulls all-nighters to get a B on an  exam. I've never liked feeling like I wasn't the person who had an extra step up on others. I never wanted to be the person who had to work their butt off to hopefully come in slightly above the average.

Until I sparked the fire in me.

My first semester of pre-med was one of the most mentally and physically exhausting things I have ever put myself through. I was not ready for the long hours of study. I wasn't ready for the conceptual test taking skills that I needed in order to pass an exam. I went into my first semester of pre-med with a full load and high hope... two weeks into that semester my mind was screaming RETREAAAAT. But I felt like if I gave up on this shot I had, I would always resent that moment in my life where I didn't push myself hard enough to see if I could get somewhere.

So I buckled up, had a few melt downs, and went for it guns blazing. I learned study tips that work wonders for me:
flash carding
copying down all of my notes before the class
recording lectures(with the professors consent)
dedicating my time every day to learning the materials

One of the worst feelings I have ever experienced was knowing I was behind the curve. I worked as hard as I could to keep up. By the end of the semester I did it. I know the road to medical school requires much more complicating classes but I have dedicated this year to finding the proper techniques to keeping up in my classes... And keeping my mental sanity.

Even if my goals end up pushing me in a different direction at least I will be able to tell myself, I did it. I gave that my all. I left everything on the field. My best wasn't geared for that. This is where I am meant to be.

Update on my midterm: I got an A out of 175 students, only 22 students in the class got A's.

What I am working on now is learning to expect the A and not be surprised when I get one. I need to build up the confidence in my academic abilities and believe in myself.

On the health side of things, I'm feeling really great.. but I have been bloating. I used to bloat so easily, it used to actually be painful. Lately I've been experiencing slight bloating which I know is normal here and there but it has been making me feel insecure. Which is totally normal for a woman. In order to combat this I am  increasing my water intake slightly and trying to get my digestive tract moving efficiently.  Bloating sucks. And I can't imagine I'm the only who feels self conscious about it but hopefully it will subside soon.

My workouts are consisting of mostly plyometrics and abs recently. Plyometrics have been the most enjoyable type of workout for me and I love the high intensity of it. I was so nervous for so long about looking clean in a gym and specifically going in there doing some reps and getting out. But lately I've been taking my time, experimenting with different movements and getting the best results. A key break through in my success so far is definitely accredited towards the fact that I am taking time on myself and finding what works best for me. If I want to go in the gym and do hand-stands for a half hour, you better believe that's what you'll see me doing!(I've also dedicated time to stretching and foam rolling.)

I've recently invested in a powdered form of Moringa Olifera, so far I'm obsessed with it. This plant is a good source of the 9 essential amino, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. I am going to reduce my intake to half a teaspoon every morning mixed in with my post workout protein shake.

An extra drink recommendation: Green tea has been my go to morning and afternoon pick me up.

There are two links below with very good, credible sources on the benefits of green tea and Moringa Olifera in case anyone would like to do their research on the exact effects.

I shall conclude this blog by saying...DRINK YOUR RECOMMENDED AMOUNT OF H2O, YOU WONT REGRET IT. :)

 Green Tea-
 Moringa Olifera-

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 21st

During the summer of 2016 I made the most impactful life decision thus far. This decision was a clear indicator that I was moving forward and jumping into new horizons that were to challenge me. What was this life changing epiphany? 

I decided I was going to go to school to become a doctor. Typing this for anyone to see gives me such chills. My father has always told me, "Hailey Lynn Petetti you can be anything you want to be, as long as you are being the best version of you". After talking with many influential people in my life about my change of course there was one thing I was sure of... I had to reinvent myself. If I were to try to reach my peak, the best version of me, that began with one crucial step. That step was to change EVERYTHING. This meant the friends I surrounded myself with, my eating habits, my study habits, my overall consciousness of my own health, everything had to change. Some people might think I was going a little crazy with this and that's fine. Every choice, every CHANGE I have made in my life has benefit my lifestyle. 

The biggest thing people ask me is how I went from a girl who partied and had some extra chunk on her to a young woman who works hard in the gym and in school. This blog is for anyone who wants to know how I got to where I am and where I am going. But more importantly, it is for me to hold myself accountable for my actions here on out. 

My Health:

Over the summer I went to a doctors office and he informed me that I had hyperlipidemia, I tried to act as if I was okay with hearing this but I was so embarrassed. I know there was nothing to be embarrassed about regarding that it is something people face all the time but I was embarrassed because I did that to myself. It was not something that couldn't be controlled, it was the fact that I went from an athletic healthy individual to someone who drank four nights out of the week and binge ate cafe rio the next three. With that being said I was mortified. For someone who preaches healthy living and is majoring and Kinesiology with a minor in Biology I was disappointed in myself for being so conscious the entire time of what I was doing, but continuing to fail at making the right decisions. This is where my biggest health changes occurred. I was constantly researching macros, looking at fitness youtubers, sitting with dietitians, I was absorbing all of the information I possibly could in order to make the best choices for me.  In my research I learned that for my body personally I should not consume more than 23 grams of artificial sugars a day. Let me tell you this right now... look at all of the food in your pantry and try to find something appetizing with less than 7  grams of sugar. I have THE BIGGEST sweet tooth and discovering that almost everything that I thought made me happy in life has gross amounts of sugar... lets just say that was not a happy day. I slowly learned that I didn't need all of the artificial sugars because fruit is delicious and curbed my sweet tooth just as well. Another big thing that I limited in my diet was saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol. We do not need cholesterol, our body makes its own. However, cholesterol is in meats and we do in fact need proteins. SO unfortunately unless I was planning on going vegan, it was not possible to completely cut this out. This is where lean meats, chicken, and fish came in handy. Saturated fats are so hard for your body to break down, they pack tightly together and are solid at room temperature(think butter and lard). I didn't cut this out completely either however I definitely limited it as much as possible. In regards to my physical activity, I started out with lifting but the matter of fact is in order to blast fat, I had to kick my body into overdrive and do high intensity training. I call these my "ninja" workouts. Around two to three times a week I will do weighted exercise. The other days I will do high intensity body weight training(pushups, pull ups, handstands, lunges and so much more). One thing that has stayed constant is my rest day is Wednesday,  I focus all of my energy into studying and I give my body a break. THE LAST MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE I HAVE MADE SO FAR IS DRINKING 64 OUNCES OF WATER A DAY. ( I put this in caps BECAUSE IT IS SO IMPORTANT. My body made such huge change after I hydrated myself correctly. Everyones water intake will vary). 

I intend on posting to this blog frequently about my progress with my studies, my progress with my body and the over all making of me. As much as I would love to keep typing up a storm, I have huge midterm tomorrow at 8 am so its time to get back to the flashcards. I hope that little summary of health changes was helpful, there will be more to come. Welcome to the corner of the internet that will be dedicated to building a better lifestyle and reaching for what seems like the impossible, my way. :)